I hate sweating. Hate it, if I could have winter all year round I would be a happy bitch!
I hate tight gym pants. No one, yes no one, not even you Barbie, looks good in them. Barry Hilton calls them Skinner broekies. You can see the lips moving but you can’t hear a sound.
I hate having to wear a huge t-shirt to cover my arse! Nuff said!
I hate having my feet bound in ugly trainers (tekkies for the dutch). When you take your socks off later your feet are so white and puffy from all the sweat you could lose a layer of skin if you not careful, and you wring your socks out before you wash them.
I hate skinny trainers saying “Come on, you can do it!” I feel like giving her a twenty and making her run to the corner store for a slab of Lindt.
I hate the doof doof doof music that they don’t even play in the clubs. Where do they find it? www.lekajimtjoons.pumpbru
That said, it’s no surprise I look like I do. But fuck it.. I just cant!

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