In honour of the Shark’s fabulous 30 – 10 win on the 30th of the 10th against the Wee-Pee’s.. This month’s PDA (Panty Dropper Award) has to go to the one and only baby face with the legs (and one hopes other appendages) of gold, Patrick Lambie!

When I look at him I hear Ellie from Cougar Town in the back of my head, telling Jules “Go do disgusting things to that boy!” I wish I could, but the guilt would kill me.
Ex Michealhouse schoolboy Patty embarked on his rugby career with the Sharks in 2009 when he debuted against the Griqua’s at the tender age of 19. Fabulous news is we’ll be seeing much more of him seeing as he has been chosen for the Springbok squad. The Rugby Powers that be love him, and so do we! He’s the man of our match too!
So there you go all you lucky young, single ladies.. Make your mummies proud!
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